Welcome to Project Elf


11/2/20231 min read

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Project Elf blog, where you can follow along with us as we experience our first year hosting a Scout Elf now that our oldest is two and a half. We are very excited, but also a bit nervous because we spend the holidays with my sister and her family who already have two elves that are very creative and active. That means that we have a lot to live up to and not only will my daughter be excited to see what the elf has been up to every night, so will her older cousins.

To help with this, my husband and I came up with Project Elf. It’s an app to help manage the whole process. It will let us pick poses for each night the elf is here, create supply lists, identify what supplies we need to still purchase, and remind us to make sure the elf is moved every night. If you think Project Elf might help you, feel free to download it from the iOS App Store.

Either way feel free to stick around and laugh at the hilarity I’m sure will ensue this year! And if you have any suggestions (other than don’t start Elf on the Shelf) on how to make this as easy and fun as possible, please let us know.